Tuesday, December 14, 2010

doggie diaries start

I was woken by my mother who threatened me early in the morning to do the impossible task which my sleepy brain couldn't process... To take Simba, my lab, for a walk! I am... well lets say... not a morning person. I HATE the thought of waking up from my luxurious sleep for anyone including my loved ones. But today when my mom woke me up i gave her a grunted "no" as an answer. Which lead to me trying to wake up my sleepy head brother so that my mom will not lash out at me or hold grudges against me for making her take care of my dogs. Of course my bro also refused to wake up as we both are night birds. Here is what happened when my mom took Simba for a walk and she was alive enough to tell us its tale...

Simba used all his strength to make my mom take him for a walk for about 1km and made his prompt stops at all the meat shops hoping for them to magically open and serve him meat early in the morning at 6 am! My mom, being a "true" Brahmin, refuses to even look into those butcher shops let alone buy - even if by chance someone was selling meat - Simba some meat. after pulling my mom across all neighbourhood simba finally decided to come home and sleep.

By the time simba got my mom safely home, minchu came to sleep with me as usual. because of her tiny size (as she is a dachshund) and her "highly advanced brain" she manages to open my door and sneak into my bed. She knows that parents will not bug me to wake up early and hence she can catch up on her sweet sleep. She comes near my bed and makes those noises, which i am used to now, as siren to wake me up and give her some space in my tiny bed. she comes close to me and cozies up to me and sleeps like a baby. She loves it when i put a blanket on her.

Now when Simba comes home, he hates to see Minchu sleeping next to me. He does the impossible task of cramming himself in my bed to sleep near my leg. thus ends the morning ritual of my dogs with me.

As i come home in the evening, i get to see simba and minchu hopping like a ping-pong-ball for my attention. But today my dad decided to pick me up from my work and every single time my dad takes out the car, minchu is a default option in it. So my dad, my brother and minchu all make their way to my office. today my colleague requested me to drop her home as her husband wasnt coming to pick her up. she was delighted to meet minchu but i kept warning her that minchu may look like a cute little baby but she had a knack of biting ppl whom she does not like. so our journey started from my office to my colleague's home and then eventually to my house.

The whole journey (approx 22kms) minchu tried to keep 3/4th of her body out of the window to enjoy the evening breeze and the outside world. As i said, Minchu is a brainy dog. If i tell her "dog" or "bath" or "puppy" or "leash" she knows what exactly i am talking about. Sometimes when i am talking to her like I do with my close friends, i feel she understands me! Anyways today minchu decided to act dumb in front of my colleague. As i was bragging about minchu's "capabilities" in front of her and decided to show her a demo.... Minchu flatly refused to understand what I am talking about! Wonder what was into her today.

After trying to prove myself truthful failed badly, i dropped my colleague home and reached home to meet an over-excited Simba. Simba is still getting back to his old self after Jaundice had hit him. Those 4 days of keeping Simba in CUPA for blood transfusion, we had gone through hell. Never do i want to see my dogs that ill. So Simba was naturally pissed to see minchu wit me while we all returned home and tried to charge at her for it. But he also knows who is the boss at home among those two.

Later after my dinner, i sneaked into my room with tea cakes. Simba, being a hogger, followed the scent of my tea cakes and tried to steal it from me... When stealing did not work out he tried the "puppy dog" look and the "drooling look". When both didnt work on me, he jumped on my bed and tried to snatch the cakes. Finally i gave up on my tea cakes and slipped a small piece to him. I realised that this was the only way to keep him out even after the vet asking us not to give him an bakery baked items.

Finally now the doggies have gone to sleep next to parents - minchu in between my parents and simba near their legs. I am really happy to have such wonderful dogs :)

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